Monday, October 6, 2008

Lessons and Laughs

There is nothing like being a stay at home mom. As a (former) teacher I, of course, incorporate lessons into our day. Recently, Olivia asked a question about guitars. So I went to the basement and brought up my 30 year old Yamaha with 2 missing strings that belonged to my mom. It's a beautiful guitar, too bad I never learned how to play it. Then Olivia wanted to make her own guitar out of paper - and decorate it with stickers, of course. Mind you, this was all before 7:30 in the morning. Yikes. Ethan is always up for the ride.

We also go to the library for story time on Wednesdays and other days to play on the computers. On good weather days, which is often, Olivia rides her bike while I push Ethan in the single stroller. They look so adorable with those huge headphones on.

I've kind of added some things to the play room that make it like a school room. Olivia loves to play school. We usually do this when Ethan is napping. We have calendar, story, "centers", and play.

I'm sure your kids crack you up just as much as mine crack me are some funny things being said around here...
Olivia (completely out of the blue) to Scott: Daddy, Pooh knows about his tummy right?
Olivia to Scott: Today's the day to teach me how to climb a tree!
Ethan's favorite word: Ca-ca (lovely. I don't even know how to spell it.) which sometimes he will tell you means poop (correct) and sometimes he says it means go (incorrect).
Oh, and here's Ethan riding his motorcycle with helmet and all...

1 comment:

Angelam9674 said...

TOO funny!! Oh, and I love the whole guitar thing. Does Liv remember when I used to bring my guitar over and play/sing to her when she was little? Probably not. :) You should ask mom to teach you a few chords! She taught me my first chords! If you want, I can string it for you when I come up in LESS THAN A MONTH!! yay!!