Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grand Rapids Marathon 2008

I did it! I walked the half marathon! Yes, that's right 13.1 miles. It was on Sunday, October 19th. A beautiful fall day, crisp and sunny. This being my first half marathon I had some reservations about, oh, I don't know, MAKING IT TO THE END. But I did it! Since about July or August a group of us had been training (me not so much due to work etc., but that will change next year). There was a group of runners (Anne, Katie, two of Katie's friends, and Elly who turned into a walker due to an injury) and a group of walkers (me, Ellen, Aunt Cheryl, and Amy who wasn't really training with us but just knowing she was out there was a good feeling). As we crossed the starting line they were playing "The Eye of the Tiger" and I almost felt like starting out sprinting, but not quite. The runners were off and not to be seen again. The first five miles flew by. I enjoyed talking with my Aunt Cheryl about her Indonesian meal waiting for her at home and with Ellen about our favorite t.v. shows. We talked to a man (see picture below) who had run the Philadelphia Marathon the day before and was out just to see how far he could go. Amazing! There seemed to be a few more hills then I had anticipated and I started to really not like them. But I was on a mission to finish. The Gummy Bears at mile 6.2 were heavenly. I've never had Gummy Bears that tasted so good. In fact, I was tempted to pick up the ones that had been dropped on the ground to eat - they were that good. Well, I guess if I was about to do that at mile 6.2 you can guess how the rest of the miles went. It was nice to see Elly's husband and boys at 3 different spots (can't wait to see those pics also). The volunteers were so encouraging! We loved being cheered on along the way. At some point Aunt Cheryl fell behind Ellen and I, but Elly stayed with her as her "coach." Ellen and I passed a man who was kind of shuffling along and he said he used to weigh 360 pounds and that he was lucky to be able to cross the road. That was so inspiring to hear. I hope he finished and keeps it up! Nearing the final three miles Ellen slipped ahead of me and I just couldn't catch up to her. We had been walking a mile in about 15 to 16 minutes and my legs were tired. A few times I telephoned ahead to Scott who was waiting at the finish line with his mom and Olivia and Ethan. I was so happy to see them! I was so proud of myself and I know they were too. Olivia kept calling it my "race" and saying that I was going to "win first place" and that I'd get a "red ribbon." Well, I did beat my goal time so I guess I did "win" and everyone gets a medal,which is in the mail (I'll take a picture of it when I get it)so I guess that's like a red ribbon. It was very empowering to cross the finish line, to know you can not just think you can. I love that they announce everyone's name as they cross the finish line, even if it is mispronounced. My chip time was 3:27:30, beating my goal time which was 3:30. At next year's marathon I hope to be 25 pounds lighter and shave 10 minutes off my time. Maybe Olivia will do the Kid's Run. I hope to be an example to Olivia and Ethan of living actively. Our family history puts us on the defense in regards to health, so it's time to take it seriously. I am already looking forward to next year!


Anonymous said...

hey I love your photos...they are really nice..

Liza said...

Congrats! I am so impressed! Way to be a good example to the kids and to keep yourself healthy!

Mrs. V said...

Good job Margo! I think that you should be happy with your accomplishment. What a great model for your kids! Awesome job!