Monday, March 8, 2010

First Lost Tooth!

Olivia lost her first tooth! I couldn't believe how emotional it was for me. I remember when she got her first tooth and now she lost it. She is growing up so quickly. I do need to document the whole ordeal though (she will laugh about this when she is older)...I picked up Olivia from school and upon enetering her classroom I was confronted by a very angry looking little girl. Her arms were folded across her chest and she had a scowl on her face. I asked her what the matter was, at which point she just started crying and thrust her head into my chest. Oh my, I thought, Olivia has had a terrible day. She finally pulled her head up and I could see that her loose tooth was pointed sideways. When I asked her about it she just kept crying. My poor little girl had spent the entire morning at school terrified of losing her tooth. She was miserable. When we got home I tried to convince her to let me look at it and try to get it out. She didn't want any such thing to happen. She wouldn't even close her mouth. She dabbed at the saliva pouring out of the sides of her mouth with a kleenex. It took ONE HOUR of conversation, soothing, understanding, sympathy, and patience to convince her to pull it out. It was of course very easy to do because the tooth was hanging on by a thread. She did it all by herself. We were so proud of her! Now, I hope, she understands what it is like to loose a tooth and won't be so horrified next time.

And one of Ethan, for good measure...

1 comment:

Our Life said...

Very cute photos, Margo. You must be having a lot of fun with photography. I can imagine the excitment of losing the first tooth. Tavin is working on getting his first.