Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Morning at Home

The kids woke up bright and early as usual, just brimming with excitment and anticipation for the day! They always open their stockings first but don't always look at what is in them until a while later.

Ethan quickly noticed a large present for him...his first bike!!

Olivia was so excited for her new baby stuff! Santa is so great to bring her just what she wanted.

Olivia also got a new Barbie movie, a Barbie and puppy set, and a pink Barbie helmet and bell for her bike.

Ethan was thrilled with his new Imaginext dragon tower and Power Rangers. i don't think he was too excited about his new helmet...too bad.

Poor Ethan just realized Santa came and that he never saw him...

Then getting right to work playing...

1 comment:

Angelam9674 said...

I LOVE their FACES!!! :)