Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Angel and a Prayer

Sweet little Ethan sure does love his "church" (that's what he calls his Sunday school). Every time we get close he shouts, "There's my church!" He gets so excited. The days of his body shaking as Scott walked him closer to his room are long gone. Last Sunday the room leader warned Scott, "We're working with glue and glitter today, just to let you know." Well, they sure did - to make sweet little halos. I can only imagine the scene as Scott picked him up to see all of those sweet little 3 year olds sitting so nicely in their chairs with their halos on waiting patiently for their Mommy or Daddy to pick them up. Ethan had a ton of red glitter in his hair and a huge smile on his face. When we got home I had him put his halo on one more time so I could take a picture of my angel, then he was going into the shower.

I sometimes call Ethan "Pastor Ethan." He loves to say grace before meals, just him, and his bedtime prayer is quite loud and animated (I usually can't contain my laughter - have to be sure to get it on tape soon). So as usual Pastor Ethan was saying grace before dinner and this is how it went, "Dear Jesus, Thanks you for our food and our family, and for our decorations and everything, and for Kung Fu Panda because it's great to watch it, and The Incredibles too because it's great to watch and that's all. Amen." Love that boy!

Olivia's wonderful Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Tagg, had a great idea for Christmas this year. She asked her class to bring in gifts and baby necesseties for Coopersville Cares instead of getting her a gift. I thought this was a beautiful gesture on her part. We usually donate a gift to Toys for Tots but decided if this was what Mrs. Tagg was asking for then we should oblige. Olivia chose the new Disney Princess Tiana Barbie doll, a pack of 3 Pretty Ponies, and a pacifier. She was so excited thinking about a little girl just her age getting these gifts for Christmas. And she certainly didn't want to forget something for a baby, hence the pacifier.

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