Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Trip and Dance Class

Oh my goodness, I haven't written in so long! Life has certainly not been at a stand still. I am taking a few minutes away from editing images to catch up here a bit. Olivia has been loving school! She loves getting homework and playing on the playground each morning. Ethan and I love having her home at lunch time. While Olivia is at school Ethan and I are busy playing Preschool, Spiderman, Hulk, kitchen and anything else he can think of, running errands, doing laundry and anything else that I can think of. Scott is very busy at work, thankfully, and I am starting up my photography business, Best Nest Photography. My website is in progress and I have been practicing and learning a lot. I absolutely love it and am so glad that I started it now and not in 2 years like we were planning! All by the grace of God.

Recently Olivia's class went on a field trip to an apple orchard. I was so happy to go and Olivia was definitely happy to have me there - I hope that lasts forever :)

Olivia also started a dance class at the school. It is just 6 weeks long so I don't know how much they are learning but she sure likes it. Her friend Zoe is in it also. Olivia is so adorable in her dancewear.

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