Friday, July 17, 2009

A Day at Sasha's Beach

Usually we spend quite a bit of time at Sasha's beach in the summer. This summer has been cooler than normal. The kids have been missing it and so we finally made our way there last week. We met Elly and the boys there. Olivia loves to run up and down the beach just along the edge of the water. She loves to do this on any beach. Watching her do this is one of those things that will forever be in my mind -an image of her as her most true self. She always looks so full of joy and life when she is running along the beach. Ethan just loves to squish his fingers in the wet sand. He also loves to roll in the sand. When we are at Sasha's beach the kids all love to play Simba. They go into the tall grass and growl, acting out different lion tales. Hopefully we can get there again this summer. Oh, and I must note that Ethan has changed his mind about what he wants to be when he grows up - it used to be Santa. Now he wants to be a SURF BOARD when he grows up. That kids cracks me up!

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