I love Resurrection Sunday! I love how simple our church is. No pomp and circumstance, no redundant rituals that have become meaningless. Just heart. Engaging, profound teachings that change your heart and life. I love how the members hoot and holler and shout for joy when the pastor reminds us that "THE TOMB IS EMPTY!" Thank you, Lord, for your indescribable gift, for washing us with your blood, for redeeming us.
The kids woke up Easter morning eager to find their baskets. I don't know if everyone hides their baskets or just us. I remember my mom always hid our Easter baskets. One time mine was in the oven! We went to Papa and Grammy's for lunch. It started with an egg hunt of course! What fun! Then lots of delicious food and conversation with family, a few pictures and Easter baskets too! The kids were excited to see big buckets of new sidewalk chalk, huge markers, and lots of goodies.
Next we went to Great Grandma's for dessert and another egg hunt! Olivia and Ethan were so funny, they would skip over tons of eggs for no apparent reason. Great Grandma gave Ethan a Lightning McQueen car that you shake and it takes off. He loved it! And for Olivia she had a My Little Pony - Pinkie Pie, Olivia's favorite color. She was tickled. It was so fun to watch Ethan have a conversation with Great Grandma. He was so adorable talking about candy with her. He also loved Aunt Bonnie too. They were playing cars together. Marianne and Christina gave Ethan and Olivia the cutest Easter bags filled with all kinds of goodies: candy, stickers, silly putty, sunglasses, and other little trinkets.
Then it was home for a short nap before Nana came over. Nana coming over is always lots of fun! She brought the kids little wooden bunny baskets which Olivia was so thrilled about because we can use them next year as decorations (Olivia loves holiday decorations). The baskets were filled with yummy chocolate and cute stuffed bunnies. Ethan also got a dump truck filled with candy. We Skyped with Gigi and the kids played with Nana on the porch. They were taking turns being the teacher. They are both excellent teachers by the way! It wouldn't surprise us one bit if they both were teachers when they grow up. For some reason, Ethan was wearing Olivia's rain boots when he was the teacher.
It really was a glorious day, beautiful weather, sunny and warm, filled with lots of love and our Savior.
Here are some more cute photos from the weekend...