Last week Scott and I spent a couple of nights at Harbor House Inn. We were celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary (which isn't actually until April 26). Harbor House is where we stayed on our wedding night. It was so relaxing and fun just to be together - footloose and fancy free! We walked the boardwalk a few times; sat on the porch and watched passers-by, talked, or just read; went out to eat; spent time by the fire. It was so wonderful to reconnect without any other distractions.
Our cottage was the same one we had our wedding night. Love it! It has a fireplace, it's own porch, and a huge whirlpool tub.
I love to celebrate Easter! What AWE-some words to proclaim: He Has Risen!
My children are blessed with a wonderful childhood. Their Easter memories will be of waking up Easter morning to find their hidden baskets...
Then it's off to a noisy, joyful celebration at Mars Hill.
From there we go to Papa and Grammy's for a delicious meal and spending time with family.
Looking for Easter eggs...
Easter baskets and stuffed animals...
Family pics...
Then we head to Great Grandma Laug's for another egg hunt and visiting with family. Love those Laugs!
Kyle, Meg, Marianne, Ella, Sienna, Olivia.
Another Easter basket! Showing Aunt Lori the goodies...
Finally, it's home for appetizers and relaxation with Nana. Nana gave the kids the movie "Princess and the Frog" so we watched a bit of that and played Memory.
It was great to spend the morning at the zoo with my brothers and some of their kiddos. It was once again a gorgeous day (80+ degrees) and everyone decided to go to the zoo too! It made me feel just a little bit like we were at Disney World. Okay, not really, but there were a lot of people there.
I really wish I could have been in this picture...(Ethan was upset - obviously)
Uncle Schaz and Cobie...
Parker was so happy to be in this picture...
Looking at the lazy lions...
Playing in the little house...
One of Ethan's FAVORITE things to do at the zoo is go in the petting zoo. Unfortunately it was closed. So Ethan fed leaves to the goats through the fence. He was SO happy - Ethan that is, not necessarily the goat.
You would think it was an April fool's day joke...80+ degrees on April 1st in Michigan?! Well, it really was! The kids had a great time playing outside in the water, wearing swimsuits & flip flops, and soaking up the sunshine! This was a much needed day, seeing as the kids had both been sick and were just recovering - Olivia from strep throat and Ethan from being on his way to strep throat. It was a bit much for them and they were coughing most of the night and awfully tired...but who in the world could miss that beautiful weather?! What an absolute gift.